What you think you know about the history of submarine?
The first American submarine was designed before the Revolutionary War by David Bushnell, a young inventor from Connecticut. He designed and built a one-man submersible vessel that he called Turtle. Bushnell's Turtle featured a hand-cranked screw-like oar that moved the boat forward and back underwater, air pipes that brought fresh air into the boat, ballast tanks that took on water to dive and emptied to ascend, and a primitive torpedo to attack enemy ships.
Encouraged by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, Bushnell adapted his vessel to use against the British during the war. Turtle was sent to New York harbor in September 1776 to surprise the British ships blockading the city. Turtle's pilot Ezra Lee crept up on HMS Asia and attempted to attach explosives to the side of the wooden ship, but failed to do so before losing control of the boat. Lee escaped, but tried again to attack the British one month later without success. Despite Turtle's failures, Bushnell proved that a boat could be used for underwater surprise attacks. Between the American Revolution and the Civil War many individuals experimented with submarine technology, including American Robert Fulton, an innovator and promoter of the steam engine. In 1800, Fulton completed his version of a submarine, Nautilus. Fulton's design introduced elements that may be found in modern submarines, such as adjustable diving planes for easy vertical maneuvering underwater, a dual system of propulsion, and a compressed air system that allowed the crew about four hours of underwater travel.
As naval surface ships continued to develop throughout the nineteenth century, submarines were still considered experimental and unsafe for the U.S. Navy. However, during the Civil War, both Union and Confederate forces experimented with submarines. One such experiment was H.L. Hunley named for its financier Horace L. Hunley. His boat sank twice in training missions killing 11 crew members, including Hunley himself. Despite these tragedies, Hunley was called to battle on February 17, 1864. Almost every book which covers the early history of submarines is riddled with errors. It would appear that the authors, in a hurry to get to the two World Wars and beyond, confined their treatment of the first 300 years of submarine development to a few pages, and their research to a cursory review of other recent books. Let one significant error stand for all: this, from a popular history of the World War I British submarine force:
Almost a hundred years earlier, Pitt had watched Robert Fulton's Nautilus nose her way under the waters of Walmer Roads before attacking and sinking the Danish brig "Dorothea." There are only two things wrong with this: British Prime Minister Pitt was not present at the demonstration, and Fulton never had his "diving boat" Nautilus in England; he built only one (many reports to the contrary notwithstanding), which he demonstrated for the French. In France. And which he scrapped in France. There is no evidence that Nautilus was ever used to sink anything, anywhere. Fulton did indeed sink "Dorothea" off the coast of England but he did so with carefully placed explosive charges that he called "torpedoes." To place the charges he used boats. Row boats. A short time later, Fulton gave the Earl of St. Vincent (who likewise had not been present at the demonstration) a briefing. The earl's response has ever since been enshrined as the ultimate pithy saying about submarines: "Pitt was the greatest fool who ever lived to encourage a mode of war which they who commanded the seas did not want, and which, if successful, would deprive them of it." As pithy sayings go, it would be first rate if these were the earl of St. Vincent's words. However, the statement is Robert Fulton's report of what the earl said. As delivered, the quotation is suspiciously tinged with Fulton's views of his own transcendent importance. As pithy sayings go, it would have been even better had the earl been talking about submarine boats. He was not. The conversations centered on Fulton's schemes for delivering torpedoes by surface boats or rafts, not by submarine.
Powered by nine men working a hand-cranked propeller, Hunley set out underwater to attack U.S.S. Housatonic in Charleston Harbor. Hunley's crew used its spar torpedo to attack and sink Housatonic. Hunley became the first submarine ever to sink an enemy ship, however, Hunley never surfaced again, losing her entire crew. The submarine's potential as a surprise attack vessel finally was realized, but the problem of working safely underwater remained unresolved.
Ten years after the end of the Civil War, Irish-born John Holland began designing and building submarines in the United States. Holland submitted his first submarine design to the U.S. Navy in 1875, which at the time was dismissed as impractical. Seeing this rejection as a challenge, Holland quickly went back to the drawing board to redesign and improve on the construction of these underwater boats.
By 1888, the U.S. Navy recognized the potential for submarines in its fleet and held a design competition for a new underwater vessel. Holland won the competition and began building the submarine Pluger five years later. After experiencing difficulties with Plunger, Holland began work on another submarine that he named Holland VI. John Holland peering out of conning tower John Holland
For his sixth submarine, Holland introduced a new method of propulsion using a gasoline engine. Holland designed a small, lightweight gasoline engine that turned a propeller while the boat cruised on the surface. The engine ran a generator, a machine that produces electricity, to charge batteries necessary to run an electric motor during underwater operations. Holland's efforts proved successful and he was able to persuade the Navy in April of 1900 to purchase this submarine. It was added to the fleet as USS Holland (SS-1)six months later.
Although the gasoline engine worked well on paper, the engine had flaws. Gasoline is highly flammable and unstable. Using this fuel in a confined environment, such as the submarine, endangered the crew. Another danger were the batteries that ran the electric motor during underwater travel. They were heavy, bulky, terribly inefficient, and potentially explosive. Finding a safer means of propulsion was needed if the submarine was ever to submerge for long periods of time.
Around the same time Holland was creating his submarines, German scientist Rudolf Diesel developed an excellent substitute for the gasoline engine. Diesel's engine used a fuel that was more stable than gasoline and could be stored safely. The engine also did not need an electric spark to ignite the fuel, adding another element of safety. These advantages, plus improved fuel economy, granted submarines with Diesel engines longer and safer cruises on the surface. While underwater, batteries were still necessary to provide power. After 1909, Diesel engines would be used in American submarines for nearly 50 years.
Despite the success of diesel-powered submarines, the quest for a single power source continued. The concept of nuclear power was discovered by German scientists in the 1930's. Upon learning of this idea, American physicist Ross Gunn visualized the potential for nuclear-powered submarines and Phillip Abelson first sketched an image of one. The most recognized proponent of nuclear-powered submarines in the U.S. Navy was Admiral Hyman G. Rickover. Rickover managed a research team that converted the concepts of nuclear power into working submarines. Nuclear power uses atoms, the smallest particles of an element, to produce an enormous amount of energy. That energy allows the power plants on submarines to super heat water and create steam. The steam then powers a giant turbine which turns the sub's propeller. Those small nuclear power plants on submarines could supply the necessary power for these boats to travel up to 500,000 miles and to stay underwater almost indefinitely without refueling. Rickover convinced the Navy and the Atomic Energy Commission that nuclear power was the ideal propulsion method for submarines. On January 17, 1955, the first nuclear-powered submarine, USS Nautilus (SSN-571) went to sea. On her first voyage, Nautilus traveled completely submerged in the Atlantic for more than 1,300 miles. In 1958, she traveled under the polar ice cap and reached the North Pole. Today's fleet of American nuclear submarines is able to spend up to six months on submerged patrol. Submarines have two complete crews. When a boat returns from a lengthy cruise, the crews rotate. Since the vessel is refueled only once or twice over its lifetime, there is no need to "stop for gas. " However, subs still need to stop to restock food and supplies.
Changes in world politics and further adaptations of sea, land, and space technologies are creating new challenges for submarines in the 21st century. In the future, some submarines may contain no crew at all, but merely computer technology that talks to satellites and transfers information to distant military bases for analysis. Submarines now are an essential part of the U.S. Navy, which would not have been possible without the ingenuity and vision of the innovators described in this essay.
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